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Обрядовые песни. Перевод на английский

Всемир: Lyrics in English, translated by Inguz По ссылке все остальные колоходовские песни Oh, my grey cockoo (Ой, сывая, та й зозуленька) Oh, my grey cockoo Chorus: Generous evening, good evening, Kind people, your health! You’ve flown all over the gardens, All gardens but one, In this garden there are three towers. In the first one lives Clear Crescent, In the second one ? Gorgeous Sun, In the third ? Small Stars. Clear Crescent is a master, Gorgeous Sun is his wife, Small Stars are their children. Lyrics by folk White Birch in the Field (Во поле берёза стояла) In the field a white birch was standing, In the field a leafy birch was standing, Liuli-liuli, was standing (2 times) There was nobody to break it, There was not anyone to break it, Liuli-liuli, to break it. (2 times) I will go for the walk to the field, I will be the one to break the birch, Liuli-liuli, the birch (2 times) I will cut three branches from the birch, I will cut three branches from the birch, Liuli-liuli, from branches (2 times) I will make three horns from the branches, I will make three horns from the branches, Liuli-liuli, from branches (2 times) I will also make balalaika, I will also make balalaika, Liuli-liuli, balalaika. (2times) Lyrics by folk. ___________________ Своеобразно звучит, не правда ли?

Ответов - 3

sova-inguz: oh, my! Главное, не заржать, когда петь про балалайку! надо ещё текст подправить будет.... там ерунда написана про ветки...

sova-inguz: наконец-то всё исправлено и текст на сайте! можно считать один перевод законченным;)

Всемир: Добре!!

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